Recipe | Let’s talk about bacon

My favorite meal of the day is undoubtedly breakfast, but when you have phenylketonuria and a low-protein diet, it’s not easy to diversify this meal. There are so many things I’d like to eat for lunch, but aren’t allowed. The best example is probably the famous bacon. 

However, that all changed recently when I discovered a recipe for making low-protein bacon! Hallelujah! So I’m sharing it with you. 🙂


  • 2 protein-free rice sheets (usually used to make spring rolls)
  • 3 tbsp. soy sauce
  • 2 tbsp. neutral oil (such as avocado oil)
  • 1/2 tbsp. maple syrup
  • 1 tsp. liquid smoke
  • 1 tsp. paprika (smoked, if possible) 
  • 1 tsp. bacon spices such as « Passion d’épices » or « Pork Ring » (optional)
  • 1 tsp. garlic powder


  • First, combine soy sauce, maple syrup, oil and all spices in a bowl and stir to blend. 
  • Pour the mixture into a large bowl or plate. 
  • Next, prepare a large container of water in which to soak the 2 rice sheets stuck together. They should become very soft, with no bubbles or stiff parts remaining. 
  • Immerse your glued rice sheets in the sauce and make sure all parts of the rice sheets are well brushed with sauce. 
  • Place your seasoned rice sheets on a baking sheet (or other large plate) and cut 1-inch strips with scissors.
Ingredients mixed in a bowl.


There are two ways to cook your bacon. 

  1. You can pour about 1 tablespoon of oil into a frying pan, heat over medium heat and place 2 or 3 strips at a time to fry the bacon. Cooking time will depend on the texture you want (completely hard and crisp, or with a few soft spots). 
  2. The second method is to spread the strips on a wire rack and toast them in the oven or air fryer. Again, the length of time will depend on the desired texture, but note that bacon is more likely to be crisp with this method. On the other hand, it’s definitely the easiest.
PKU bacon on a grid

Test it out to find out which cooking time is right for you! 

It’s ready! This bacon is excellent and can be used in many different recipes (I’ll probably share a few soon). Let me know what you think below! 

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